How to feed a newborn cat

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Feeding a newborn cat is something your mother should do. But by various circumstances this is not always possible. If your cat has passed away, rejects the young, or you've taken care of a cat from an abandoned bed, you'll have to take care of feeding the little ones. It's simple, but it requires knowing some tricks that will help you get the kittens forward edity more easily.

How to feed a newborn cat easily

1. Remember that the newborn cat needs to feed on cat's milk

If you find it impossible to find a cat that can breastfeed the newborn cat you will have to buy specific food for it. Cat feeding is key to your health and survival. It's not a good idea to try feeding a newborn cat with cow's milk or water and feed. This one needs specialized milk.

Food products for newborn cats currently exist on the market. It is a type of artificial milk specifically formulated to feed a newborn cat. It is usually sold in milk form or powder to mix with water. It is essential for the care of the young.

2. Plan the schedule of the shots

Every animal has its rhythm. But as a rule you have to feed a newborn cat for 3-4 hours. At most, with a frequency of 6 hours. That's why it's important to organize yourself with a plan. And that you can count on help if the frequency is too short to take care of their food. For example during the evenings or during your working hours.

The amount to be contributed in each shot will depend on the cat. At first follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the cat feed. Subsequently, it values its appetite as long as it gains weight and size appropriately.

3. Use appropriate tools to feed a newborn cat

During the first four weeks of cat life, it is best to use a syringe to provide the milk. Then you can use the bottle bottle bottle. But the first few weeks this one can be very big.

4. Learn the right way to feed a newborn cat

Everything in this life has its science. Also feed a newborn cat. To do this he puts the cat in the same position as he would if he mamara of his mother. You must have your head raised and your belly in a towel or blanket. Make sure you are calm during the process so that you are properly fooded and have good digestion.

Once you're done sucking, keep the cat lying on his back. It is important that you gently caress your belly. The cats stimulate with licks and caresses the belly of their young to stimulate proper digestion and prevent the appearance of gases.

After feeding a newborn cat and stimulating its digestion, it is ideal to let it rest. You can place it in a crawler or nest and let it snuggle up to sleep until the next shot.

5. Always leave water available for the kitten

Hydration is key to the survival of cats. Although its food is liquid, it is advisable that at all times you can access clean water. You'll have to show him where he is, dipping your finger in it and getting close to his mouth.

6. If you feed several newborn cats, get organized

Feeding a newborn cat is simple, but if you feed more than one, things get complicated. Organization is key so you don't forget any.

* Each shot follows the same order to feed them

* Use a different syringe or nipple for each. You can mark them with an indellible pen of different color. That way you'll stop if one gets sick, he'll infect another.

7. Check with the veterinarian for your evolution and the right time for weaning

It is important that you consult with the veterinarian about the development and evolution of cats or cats. He will advise you on the right time for weaning or on any other issues related to the health and well-being of breeding.

Feeding a newborn cat will be very easy to follow these guidelines. Seeing him gain weight and grow up happy will compensate you for all the attention and time spent on his care. If you are looking for the best products to take care of it, go to our online store of birds, cats and other pets and find everything you need.


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