How the season and temperature change affects your pets

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With the arrival of autumn, the temperatures begin to fall and we leave behind the long hours of sunshine of the summer. And, just as it happens to us, animals also experience certain effects due to changes in temperature and light. These are effects related to hormonal alterations that influence their metabolism, making them less hungry and showing more sloth and apathetic. The low temperatures make our pets need more energy to be able to stay warm and to move the hair, so the evolution has provided this mechanism of defense that makes its component hibernate activate.

To this we must add that in autumn we leave less, so that our pets spend less energy and if they continue to eat the same, they can take a few kilos. For this reason, it is important that you help them maintain a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet. The idea is to prioritize the quality above the quantity, providing less food but with a higher calorie content. In our online shop, in addition to bird products, you will find a wide variety of food items for dogs and cats.

On the other hand, the change of time can make your pets feel disoriented, irritable and nervous, because we are taking them out of their daily routine, especially if they have very marked schedules of walk, food, sleep and play. This fact affects more puppies, dogs older than 10 years and those who suffer some disease. Fortunately, these are changes that don't usually last more than a few days or a few weeks, so you don't have to worry too much if your pet is a little strange.

Schedule changes

If we want our pet does not affect the changes of time, it is advisable that you go through a process of adaptation gradually. It is advisable, for example, to put the food a little earlier than usual so that it becomes accustomed to the time change when it arrives. And the same thing you have to do with the rides.


Colds are a common occurrence among pets at this time of year, which has a lot to do with the fact that they are constantly passing from the warmth of the home to the cold outside of the street. If the body temperature of a dog, which should oscillate between 37 and 38 degrees, descends, could suffer a hypothermia, whose symptoms are the loss of color of the mucous, stillness and wobbly movements. In this sense, it is important to avoid excessive hygiene, as this may cause a loss of its lipid layer. And it is not advisable to cut their hair, but to brush frequently to help move it.

Prevention of endemic diseases

During the summer it is common for many dogs to catch ticks or to suffer mosquito bites. Therefore, after this time, it is essential to make a review in the vet to detect them in time and avoid major ills. Also, if you notice any symptom or change of behavior in your pet, however small, you should not let go, because it could be infected with leishmaniasis, Erlichisosis or rickettsial.

Joint problems

Excess moisture can lead to conditions in our pets, such as dermatitis, but also problems in the joints, causing them to suffer during the days when the environment is wetter, aggravating their pain and making them walk much more Rigid. If your dog is prone to this type of problem, try not to leave much on rainy days. And when you do, protect it with a raincoat to reduce the direct impact of water on your body. Of course, do not let him near the puddles in these situations, as they are a great focus of viral and bacterial diseases. If you let him drink or play with them, he might end up getting sick. So the best thing is to always wear it tied.

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