Disponible several Posadero VERTICALE RELAX STA SOLUZIONI i067 €2.71 Perch vertical stackable Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Porta anillas para uso ornitológico STA SOLUZIONI STA SOLUZIONI I095 €14.71 Anillero ornithological View
Disponible several Porta Nido de Metal 2GR 10 cm 2gr I015 €3.15 PORTANIDO IN FERRO Portanido metallic Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Huevos falsos macizos PIUMER tamaño mediano tipo periquito PIUMER 001304 €0.64 EGGS MEDIUM SIZE FOR PARAKEETS Eggs medium size for parakeets View
Out-of-Stock several PERCHA DE 15 CM STA SOLUZIONI ii045 €0.58 POSATOIO TO SBALZO 150 - Ø mm 10 Perch for cage View
Out-of-Stock several Anillas 3 mm con Calzador Multicolor para canario 100 uds STA SOLUZIONI I036 €8.13 Rings in plastic mono-and/or multi-coloured, with a shoehorn View
Disponible several MINI SCOVOLO STA SOLUZIONI I014 €2.78 Mini brush for cleaning water troughs with system of depression of the water. Add to basket
Disponible Agapornis Porta Verdura y Juta para Aves 2GR 2gr 122 €0.52 PORTA VEGETABLE Portaverdura adaptable to all types of cage Add to basket
Disponible S. T. SOLUZIONI Pinzas CLIP SHARK STA para sujeción en cualquier tipo de jaula STA SOLUZIONI I099 €1.31 Tweezers Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Gancho adaptador STA SOLUZIONI I096 €0.47 Plastic adapter for water fountains that are set in cages with grating horizontal or voladeras compatible with art. C014 View
Disponible several Mini 11- Sun Toys SIN MARCA 04041802 €12.75 For small parrots such as agapornis ,nymphs, parakeets and parrots medium as yacos, amazonas etc.. Add to basket
Disponible Nests Huevos falsos macizos PIUMER tamaño pequeño tipo CANARIO PIUMER i005 €0.44 False eggs small Add to basket
Disponible several Tijeras especial para cortar anillas ornitológicas PIUMER 34344 €15.83 SCISSORS CUT RINGS Add to basket
Disponible Accessories for birds Transportin para pequeñas aves NUVOLA CAGE 2 plazas STA SOLUZIONI NZ85 €34.22 Small rear rack plastic aerated for two birds, Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Necklaces Cepillo limpia bebederos Sta STA SOLUZIONI I063 €9.70 Scovolo multiuso, ideale per sifoni View
Disponible several Transportin para aves SAFARI STA STA SOLUZIONI NZ99 €126.29 SAFARI CAGE - cm 60x38x20 Rear rack practical, airy and light. Only che comply with the new regulations. Add to basket
Disponible Accessories for birds Bandeja STA PORTA BEBEDEROS 12 huecos bebedero mediano STA SOLUZIONI i117 €11.04 Drinking fountains: for medium drinking fountains. Facilitates washing and filling. Drinking fountains not included. Add to basket
Disponible several Aguja para Empapuzar CANARIZ Larga, Fina y Curva 1,60 x 80 Canariz 040006 €13.16 Needle for empapuzar long fine curve 1,6x80 Add to basket
Disponible several Aguja para Empapuzar CANARIZ Corta, Fina y Curva 1,60 x 60 Canariz 040002 €13.16 Needle for empapuzar short thin curve 1,60x60 Add to basket
Last items in stock several cazamariposas con aro de alambre STA 26 cm STA SOLUZIONI I082 €16.93 Network to hunt birds with ring soft rubber. Extent: Small Add to basket
Disponible several Transportin Tino 2GR Comedero Externo 2gr 200 €79.21 The sport rack for birds Tino of 2GR provides the breeder many advantages. Total hygiene thanks to the plastic construction and the modular system, which allows the complete cleaning of each piece. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock S. T. SOLUZIONI Lupa con Luz tamaño grande STA STA SOLUZIONI i077 €16.82 Magnifying glass with built in light This lens signed solutions STA, is essential in every breeding !! In fact, you can check out the chicks, to inspect the nests in search of any tiny mites / pests, control sick individual (for example, the leg scabies, the scabies, etc ...). And other uses that will be found in their farms. View
Disponible Transportines Trasportín sin Tapa y con 6 Secondinos 2GR Tino 2gr 203 €74.10 Made of hard plastic and durable. Can be washed and cleaned without the fear of moisture. With capacity for 6 continers individual. Each sport rack individual carries feeder and drinker, inner grid and innkeeper.Measures of the rear rack: 38 x 39 x 18 cmMeasures of the sport rack single: 16 x 11.7 x 14.6 cm Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Transportín 2GR con Reja Fija y Comederos Internos 2gr 201 €70.24 Art. Number: 201 Dim.: cm 38 x 39 x 18h Cod. EAN: 8033844762447 N° pieces: 1 Transport with fixed fence and internal feeders. View
Disponible several Transportin 2GR Secondino Pequeño Modelo 220 2gr 220 €13.67 Transportìn Pequeño Secondino, Art. 220 Dimensions: 16 (cm) Width x 14.6 (cm) Height x 11.7 (cm) Background Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds Cestillo Relleno de Material para Nidos 2GR Piena Misti Porta Juta Pack 2 uds 2gr 118PM €5.93 Practical plastic basket filled with nest material, to facilitate the construction of nests in birds in captivity. Save with this fantastic pack of 2 units View
Disponible several Aguja para Empapuzar CANARIZ Corta, Fina y Recta 1,60 x 60 Canariz 040001 €11.97 Needle for empapuzar short fine straight-1,60x60 Add to basket
Disponible several Aguja para Empapuzar CANARIZ Corta, Gruesa y Recta 2,60 x 60 Canariz 040003 €11.97 Needle for empapuzar short thick straight 2,60x60 Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Percha Posatoio Componibile Le Vele STA SOLUZIONI i050 €2.29 Roost Posatoio Componibile Le Vele View
Disponible several Transportin Maleta para Pajaros 2GR 8 Huecos 2gr 001257 €171.11 Suitcase with 8 holes Add to basket
Disponible several Transportin Maleta 2GR 12 Huecos 2gr 258 €226.21 Suitcase with 12 Secondin medium. Respect all regulations for the transport of birds. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Transportin Maleta 2GR con 18 Huecos + 18 Secondinos 2gr 20259 €246.91 Suitcase with 18 Secondin medium. View
Disponible several Tapa para Transportin 2GR Tino Color Verde 2gr 207 €16.42 COVER FOR TRANSPORTIN TINO Add to basket
Disponible several Percha pájaros 15 cm , copele Copele 09055400 €0.61 BREASTPLATE FOR BIRDS COPELE 15 CM., FOR SMALL OR MEDIUM CAGES Add to basket
Disponible several Percha para aves COPELE 21 CM compatible con todas las jaulas Copele 09055500 €0.71 COPELE PERCH FOR BIRDS 21 CM Add to basket
Disponible Accessories for birds Percha para Pára pajaros 36 cm Copele Copele 09050000 €6.92 PERCH FOR BIRDS COPELE 36 CM Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Terminal Redondo para Saltadores Externos 2GR 10 mm 2gr 001050/E10 €0.47 TERMINAL 10 MM FOR JUMPERS EXTERNAL View
Disponible several Percha para Pájaros 1 metro COPELE Copele 090556500 €2.04 subway hanger Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Posa-Pájaros Copele 70510 €2.34 Measurements (front, bottom, height) 10x6x9 cm View
Disponible Accessories for birds Percha para aves COPELE de 7 cm, compatible con todas las jaulas Copele 09073500 €0.53 Copele hanger 7 cm. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Pinza para Sujección e Inspección de Huevos 2GR Reggio 2gr 078 €2.29 CLAMP FOR EGGS SISAL View
Disponible several Aguja para Empapuzar CANARIZ Corta, Gruesa y Curva 2.60 x 60 Canariz 040004 €13.16 Needle for empapuzar short, thick and curve 2.60x60 Add to basket
Last items in stock several Aguja para Empapuzar CANARIZ Larga, Gruesa y Curva 2,60 x 80 Canariz 040008 €13.16 Needle for empapuzar long, thick and cure 2,60 x 80 Add to basket
Last items in stock several Aguja para Empapuzar CANARIZ Larga, Gruesa y Recta 2,60 x 80 Canariz 040007 €13.16 Needle for empapuzar long, thick and straight 2.60 x 80 Add to basket
Disponible several Aguja para Empapuzar CANARIZ Larga, Fina y Recta 1,60 x 80 Canariz 040005 €13.16 Needle for empapuzar long, thin and straight 1.60x80 Add to basket
Disponible several Porta Sepia 2GR con Gancho de Plástico 2gr 033 €2.04 Porta Sepia with Canariz hook, for the fastening of the cuttlefish. With innkeeper. White Add to basket
Disponible cages Rollo de papel para jaulas blanco 40 cm de ancho PIUMER PIUMER 10359 €17.42 High-strength paper roll, to be placed on cage trays. width 40 cm White Add to basket
Disponible several Rollo de Papel Bituminoso 46cm PIUMER 14430041 €22.63 Roll of paper for bottom of cage coated with a layer oil to avoid moisture and breakage Add to basket
Disponible several Rollo de Papel Bituminoso 37 cm PIUMER 14410034 €18.36 Roll of paper for bottom of cage coated with a layer oil to avoid moisture and breakage Add to basket
Disponible several Bandeja Plástica para 30 huevos COPELE Copele 03075900 €3.98 Highly resistant and easy-to-use tray for stacking eggs, it is the ideal solution for the transport and storage of eggs. Capacity of 30 eggs. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Rollo de Papel Bituminoso 40.5 cm PIUMER 14410041 €18.02 Roll of paper for bottom of cage coated with a layer oil to avoid moisture and breakage View
Disponible several Rollo de Papel Bituminoso 44 cm PIUMER 14410035 €19.40 Roll of paper for bottom of cage coated with a layer oil to avoid moisture and breakage Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Transportin Secondino 2GR Maxi 2gr 242 €19.83 Individual transport of MAXI size Dimensions: 31x11.5x16h View
Disponible several Tenazas cierra anillas para ornitoligia PIUMER 3110181047 €21.70 Pliers for closing rings ornitologicas, without causing damage to the bird. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Necklaces Manta térmica para pájaros papilleros 7 w. NINFAS WEB NinfasWeb 2005201149 €26.16 Thermal plate for aves papilleras, keep warm to your bird when it is removed from their parents. View
Out-of-Stock birds lámpara TRIXIE DIURNA ideal para jaulas y aviarios 23 w Trixie 221220201329 €31.22 With this excellent lamp, you ensure clear, flicker-free lighting in your aviary View
Out-of-Stock several Rollo de Papel Bituminoso 33.50 cm PIUMER 14430038 €16.42 Paper roll for cage bottom coated with a bituminous layer to prevent moisture and breakage View
Out-of-Stock Necklaces Manta térmica para pájaros papilleros 14 w. NINFAS WEB NinfasWeb 180220211036 €30.00 Thermal plate for papier birds, keep your bird warm when you remove it from its parents. View
Out-of-Stock several Porta Nido de Metal 2GR In Ferro 8 cm 2gr 394 €2.88 Hoop nest holder for small birds measure 8 cm in diameter Suitable for polyester or jute nest bottoms View
Out-of-Stock birds percha lima uñas TWISTER ECO SMALL para aves pequeñas Sun Parrots NTBT2972S €10.94 Spiral nail hanger. Its special spiral shape favors a different grip on each part of the hanger, improving the condition of the leg and finger joints and favoring the wear of the nails. View
Disponible Transportines trasportín para pequeñas aves EL ARCA de MOLDES AVES, apto para agencia de transporte MOLDES AVE 072 €9.56 New transporter EL ARCA, for shipping and transport in a comfortable and safe way of your small birds Accepted by transportation agencies such as MRW Add to basket
Disponible birds filtro de agua desmontable con llave de paso COPELE para montaje de aviarios Copele 01046900 €9.12 Filter made of 100% polished plastic, with inlet and outlet designed for flexible rubber connection, with a plastic faucet located at one end to be able to cut off the flow of water when necessary. It is joined by thread, facilitating the cleaning of the stainless steel metal mesh inside, ensuring the constant flow of water. Add to basket
Disponible Nests Huevos falsos macizos pequeños tipo CANARIO en bolsa de 40 unidades COPELE Copele 09076000 €11.31 Small fake eggs for canaries in practical bag of 40 units Add to basket
Disponible birds posadera para pájaros MOLDES AVE 15 cm MOLDES AVE 028 €1.36 Fantastic bird perch suitable for placing in any cage, with a size of 15 cm Add to basket
Disponible birds soporte para móvil MOLDES AVE MOLDES AVE 075 €7.77 This great article is designed so that you can record and photograph your birds in their cages and cages, as well as to initiate them to sing, if necessary Add to basket
Disponible birds totem sujeta parrillas MOLDES AVE MOLDES AVE 077 €1.31 The best safety accessory for the grills of your birds' cages Add to basket
Disponible birds Jeringa con Sonda 10ml PSITTACUS Pack 2 Unidades PSITTACUS CO5120 €29.62 Soft probes are the ideal complement for the supply of porridge to parrots from an early age. They have a rounded tip and a fine, soft texture that makes it easy to swallow. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds Ovoscopio 2GR Portatil Pequeño 2gr I071 €13.52 Flashlight-led light, made of aluminium, ideal for the observation of the eggs without handling them. View
Last items in stock birds juguete de madera para loros medianos y grandes talla L NF NinfasWeb 5003 €15.95 With this fabulous toy, you'll get great entertainment times for your bird. Its natural materials, make there no risk of toxicity recommended for yacos, Amazonas etc. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds juguete de madera para loros medianos y grandes talla XL NF NinfasWeb 8001 €21.54 With this fabulous toy, you will get great moments of entertainment for your bird. Its natural materials mean that there is no risk of toxicity Recommended for Yacos, Amazons etc. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock S. T. SOLUZIONI Bandeja STA PORTA BEBEDEROS 16 huecos bebedero pequeño STA SOLUZIONI I116 €10.08 Porta drinking fountains: drinking fountains small. Facilitates washing and filling. Drinking fountains not included. View
Disponible birds anilla correctora de dedo PATEL AYAK KANARYAPO KANARYAPO 301220221 €17.21 Plastic bracelet that allows to treat the kneecap of the back finger in canaries, tropical finches and birds of nature. Add to basket
Disponible birds Brazalete doble pierna torcida CARPIK BACAK KANARYAPO KANARYAPO 301220222 €17.21 Double plastic bracelet to professionally treat the crooked legs of goslings when crushed by mothers in the nest. Add to basket
Disponible birds Jeringa con Sonda 5ml PSITTACUS Pack 2 Unidades PSITTACUS CO5110 €24.53 Soft probes are the ideal complement for the supply of porridge to parrots from an early age. They have a rounded tip and a fine, soft texture that makes it easy to swallow. Add to basket
Disponible birds Jeringa con Sonda 20ml PSITTACUS Pack 2 Unidades PSITTACUS CO5130 €24.53 Soft probes are the ideal complement for the supply of porridge to parrots from an early age. They have a rounded tip and a fine, soft texture that makes it easy to swallow. Add to basket
Disponible birds bandeja para jaula de cría PEDRÓS 60 cm. Color blanco Pedrós 51940 €12.09 Spare tray for cages of 60 cm. white of the brand PEDRÓS Add to basket
Disponible birds parrilla plástica de suelo para jaula de cría PEDRÓS 60 cm. Color blanco Pedrós 52250 €7.68 Replacement plastic grill for cages of 60 cm. white of the brand PEDRÓS Add to basket
Disponible birds Cajonera blanca para jaula C1 PIUMER 040720231 €12.11 Fantastic plastic chest of drawers in white. Totally adapted to C1 silvestrism cages Because of its material. It is very easy to wash and disinfect and as always, with the CPA guarantee! Add to basket
Disponible birds Cuchillo limpiador de barrotes de jaulas PIUMER 040720235 €10.02 This fantastic knife is prepared to remove dirt easily, effortlessly Essential for any breeder or amateur who likes to keep their facilities in perfect condition Add to basket
Disponible Parrot harness Arnes para aves THE AVIATOR negro talla MINI (aves de menos de 75 grs) Sun Parrots AMINIBLACK €46.95 Add to basket
Last items in stock Parrot harness Arnes para aves THE AVIATOR negro talla SMALL 190 - 425 grs Sun Parrots ASMALLBLACK €46.94 Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Parrot harness Arnes para aves THE AVIATOR negro talla XLarge 1000 - 1600 grs Sun Parrots AXLARGEBLACK €46.94 View
New Disponible several Bandeja para Jaula de Cria PEDRÓS Color Blanca 1M Pedrós 51900 €14.97 Add to basket