Disponible Snacks and treats for birds Panizo Versele Laga Mijo En Racimo 1 kg Versele-laga 451321 0 review €15.09 1KG branch mijo spectacular!!!! Add to basket
Disponible Snacks and treats for birds Barritas para pájaros exóticos Versele Laga Prestige Sticks frutas exóticas Versele-laga 422311 0 review €5.59 Candy exotic birds on Versele Laga Prestige Sticks exotic fruit Snacks for exotic birds Versele Laga Prestige Sticks are delicious sticks cooked in the oven intended for your pet to be entertained and be distracted at the same time that it is powered with a high quality product that can help you to complete and make more varied your diet Add to basket
Last items in stock Pasta of breeding birds Pasta de cría mórbida GOLD PATEE AMRILLO Orlux Versele Laga 5 kg. Versele-laga 424014 0 review €35.43 Gold pate canaries is a paste of egg ready to use for canaries, finches, tropical and european.It is also a treat, well accepted for birds of company. Add to basket
Disponible Snack and treats Prestige Sticks miel Periquitos 2 barritas 2 x 30 gr Versele-laga 422308 0 review €7.00 Two baked seed sticks for small parakeets, with honey, among other ingredients. With this feast of honey in the form of sticks, your birds will enjoy an authentic culinary delight. It is impossible for them to get bored. Add to basket
Disponible Snacks and treats for birds Bizcocho para pájaros PRESTIGE BISCUITS VERSELE LAGA 6 unid. Versele-laga 422267 0 review €7.77 Delicious sponge cake with fruit to complement and enliven the power of small birds such as canaries, exotic and small parakeets. Add to basket
Disponible birds Alimento para aves NUTRI BERRIES FRUTAS TROPICAL indicado para ninfas y aves medianas... Harrison 23022021 0 review €13.64 Lafeber Tropical Fruit Nutri-Berries contain healthy seeds and grains, with real pieces of papaya, pineapple and mango to add a delicious tropical flavor. Each tasty cluster provides all the nutrition of pellets while providing the benefits and fun of looking for food. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds alimento para aves NUTRI BERRIES HUERTO SOLEADO especial para ninfas y aves medianas... Harrison 230220211252 0 review €13.64 Lafeber Sunny Garden Nutri-Berries contains all the essential nutrients for good health and the berry shape motivates the exercise of the beak and tongue, providing a nutritional and behavioral enrichment. Add to basket
Disponible birds Alimento para aves NUTRI BERRIES FRUTAS TROPICAL indicado para loros 284 gr Harrison 30092021 0 review €13.89 Lafeber Tropical Fruits Nutri-Berries contains all the essential nutrients for good health and the berry shape motivates the exercise of the beak and tongue, providing nutritional and behavioral enrichment. Add to basket
Disponible Food for Birds alimento completo para loris ORLUX LORI VERSELE LAGA 700 gr Versele-laga 422122 0 review €15.43 Complete food for lorises and parrots Complete and balanced food, by analogy with nectar and pollen of flowers. Add to basket
Disponible Versele-laga alimentación para loris ORLUX VERSELE LAGA 3 KG Versele-laga 422123 0 review €42.64 Orlux Lori contains all the food elements that lorises and fig parrots find in the flowers of their country Add to basket
Disponible Fruit for lovebirds Barritas para agapornis y ninfas con miel PRESTIGE STICKS VERSELE LAGA 2 x 70 gr Versele-laga 422313 0 review €8.39 Bars semilas and honey, selected to make the delights of our lovebirds and nymphs, as well as parakeets are large in size. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Agapornis snack para periquitos VERSELE LAGA 125 gr. Versele-laga 422258 0 review €6.42 Versele Laga Prestige Snack Parakeets 125gr Snack full of sweet-tasting ingredients, including five types of fruits, eggs and seeds. View
Disponible Vitamins and amino acids for lovebirds Versele Laga Prestige Snack Canarios 125gr Versele-laga 422255 0 review €5.90 Versele Laga Prestige Snack Canarios 125gr DIRECTIONS: Snack full of sweet-tasting ingredients, including five types of fruits, eggs and seeds. Add to basket