Disponible Vitamins for birds Encelador LEGAZIN con ortiga + Vitamina Plus E+ maca para aves 120 ml Legazin 20027 €17.00 The Encelador Legazín is a completely natural product, made with nettle extract and vitamin E. Its regular use stimulates the zeal and playback in all types of birds, at the same time that it promotes the song and paste it in the male goldfinches, greenfinches, canaries, siskins and other wild birds. Being a natural product there are no contraindications. Add to basket
-5% Disponible Vitamins for birds compuesto vitaminico rico en calcio y fósforo para aves CALCICOLINA LATAC 250 ml Latac 121120211704 €12.14 €12.78 Time left Treatment of Enteritis and hepatitis especially of food origin (excess of oilseeds), contribution of calcium and phosphorus to strengthen the bones. Complementary food with calcium and phosphorus. Add to basket
Disponible Home Fortificante reconstituyente ANIMA STRATH 250 ml Stanvet Laboratorio Stangest 21061801 €28.05 Anima Strath is a nutritional Supplement 100% natural for all species (birds, hamsters, fish, rabbits, ferrets, cats, dogs). 250ml. Add to basket
-5% Disponible Vitamins for birds Vitamina A para aves SERI A LATAC 20 ml Latac 30004 €9.79 €10.31 Time left The lack of vitamin A causes a reduction in the defensive capacity of the cells, which are the ones that cover all the outer and also internal surfaces of the body, resulting in the appearance of infection centers, especially in the eyes, respiratory system and digestive system, such as mouth and esophagus. Add to basket
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin Vitaminas TT con electrolitos, para aves, en sobre de aluminio 100 gr Calier 39000107 €6.91 VITAMINS TT + ELECTROLYTES oral powder soluble in water is ideal to treat the lack of vitamins and periods of convalescence in birds (canaries, parakeets, finches, chickens, partridges, etç....). Its composition is high in vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Add to basket
-5% Disponible Vitamins for birds complejo vitamínico SERI B LATAC 15 ml para aves Latac 30005 €7.86 €8.27 Time left B vitamin complex. 15ML Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds complejo vitaminico QUIKO FORTE 500 gr Quiko 200110 €16.59 From the first day of breeding preparation to the last day of molting, this fabulous vitamin complex will be your ally. A must for breeders. Add to basket
-5% Disponible Vitamins for birds Vitamina E para aves SERIFEROL LATAC 20 ml Latac 30008 €8.53 €8.98 Time left Vitamin E in liquid to mix in water with the drink. Prevents sterility of males and insufficient laying in females. It ensures more layings and greater vigor in the offspring. Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins and amino acids for lovebirds Nekton S 35gr, vitaminas, minerales y aminoácidos para aves Nekton 201035 €9.50 NEKTON S has been formulated to meet the standard vitamin requirements of ornamental birds. NEKTON S has taken into account the needs of birds and contains a balanced blend of minerals and trace elements. Add to basket
Disponible Recuperator for pigeons recuperador liquido para palomas FLORATONYL 30 ml Moureau Moureau 300203 €17.52 Floratonyl 30ml is a preparation of multivitamins, a highly-concentrated and enriched with extract of liver, specially formulated for pigeons and birds. Add to basket
Disponible birds Vitaminas para aves TABERNIL Complejo B 20 ml. Tabernil 906009 €13.30 Tabernil B complex is a supplement vitamin that is administered in the form of drops in the drinking water. Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds Estimulante vitaminado para aves FERTIVIT VERSELE LAGA 200 gr. Versele-laga 460206 €15.70 Fertivit is a set of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and vitmain E, which will help and stimulate your birds for a perfect breeding season. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Vitamins for birds Pineta OLEO FISH 250 gr. aceite de hígado de bacalao en polvo Pineta 250OLF €25.03 Oil Fish is a tonic natural base of cod liver oil emulsified with a high biological value enriched with vitamins and growth factors View
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin suplemento BIPAL TOTAL SOBRE para aves, vitaminas, minerales y aminoácidos bolsa 500 gr. TEGAN BIPAL 1101 €8.58 Total Bipal, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, for all types of birds Add to basket
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin Vitaminas y aminoácidos hidrosolubles PROMOTOR L47 para todo tipo de animales, 1 litro Calier 26000022 €21.75 Laboratories Calier launches PROMOTOR-L 47. It is a food supplement for poultry, which is given orally in the drinking water in order to facilitate the product is taken by birds. Add to basket
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin Versele-Laga Canto Vit 30 ml Suplemento líquido (vitaminas). Para Pájaros Versele-laga 460202 €11.06 Versele-Laga Canto-Vit 30 ml Liquid supplement, liquid mixture of vitamins and amino acids . • Enriched with vitamin E • For the singing of canaries and finches • During the preparation of the breeding season • Promotes sexual desire and fertility Add to basket
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin PROMOTOR 43 vitaminas y aminoácidos en sobre de 100 gr caja de 10 sobres Calier 300320181 €74.37 Promoter 43 Vitamins and amino acids in powder, soluble in water can be incorporated into the pasta de cria. Indicated for the prevention and treatment of imbalances and nutritional deficiencies in periods of stress. Add to basket
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin Suplemento vitaminico para aves RED CELL AVIAN MINI 100 ml Vetnova 01600042 €17.96 RED CELL Avian-Mini Supplement of High-Performance Birds Sports Leader in the World Add to basket
Disponible birds Potenciador del celo y canto DAX ORTY MAX, para aves, en liquido 250 ml Canariz 015665 €18.78 Enhancer of zeal and singingExtract of nettle, oregano, thyme tehobroma cocoa and vitaminsImproved health increases the zeal, the power and the quality of the song in the goldfinches, siskins,greenfinches and other birds of cage Add to basket
Disponible birds vitamina E concentrada para aves NEKTON E 35 gr. Nekton 202035 €8.45 Nekton E contains a high percentage of vitamin E (tocopherol acetate). Add to basket
Disponible birds Extra Proteina QUIKO PLUS 400 gr Quiko 200115 €15.40 Quiko Plus is basically composed of extra Brewer's Yeast, enriched with B vitamins and extra levels of proteins, amino acids and minerals. Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds NEKTON BIOTIN Complejo vitamínico estimulante del crecimiento de plumas, 35 gr Nekton 207035 €12.41 Nekton Bio,vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, calcium in the form of water-soluble powder that promotes the growth of bird plumage. Add to basket
Last items in stock Addons for birds Protein 40 Bipal 600 g TEGAN BIPAL 1118 €9.19 Bipal Protein is a complement of a biological, vitamin, mineral and amino acids necessary to increase protein in the birds in captivity. Uses:Mix the paste with breeding for canaries, budgies, exotic birds and all kinds of birds in captivity Add to basket