Protector hepático Prowins SUPERCHOL plus 500 ml.

ProWins Superchol Plus, TOTAL PROTECTION for liver and kidneys in cage birds

VAT included
The perfect combination
Prowins Superchol Plus Birds 500 ml, much more than an exceptional liver protector
Protector hepático Prowins SUPERCHOL plus 500 ml.
VAT included

* Why it is essential to use Prowins Superchol Plus on birds

The liver is one of the most important and at the same time most delicate organs in the anatomy of birds in general and especially of cage birds. Among others, it performs vital functions in:

? Protein synthesis.

? The elaboration of bile (essential for the digestion and absorption of fats).

? The detoxification of the blood of substances harmful to the body, transforming them into harmless substances.

? The storage of vitamins, glycogen and other essential substances.

Interestingly, the liver of birds is the most punished organ and to which we usually pay less attention.

There are many factors that force the liver to work constantly and forcefully:

? The administration of all types of supplements, such as recuperators, fortifiers, stimulants, dyes...

? Antibiotic treatments.

? Periods of high stress, especially those of high competition.

All this causes a brutal overload in the liver that we must alleviate. Prowins Superchol Plus is scientifically developed to promote the liver function of pigeons, alleviating the brutal overload it receives and optimizing its operation.

? What are the benefits of using Prowins Superchol Plus

Prowins Superchol Plus is much more than an exceptional liver protector. The regular use of this product will bring you, among others, the following benefits:

? Favors the function of the liver, relieving its overload.

? Detoxifies the blood, transforming substances harmful to the body into harmless substances.

? Prevents the problem known as "fatty liver".

? Promotes the proper functioning of the nervous system.

? Promotes digestion.

? Improves fat absorption.

? Improves physical condition.

? Accelerates recovery after illness.

? Favors the growth of chicks.

? Very beneficial during molting, improving the quality of it and favoring its growth.

? It has an anti-stress effect.

? Promotes the function of the kidneys.

? Favors the regeneration properties of the organism.

? Strengthens the body's defenses, thus reducing the risk of infections and therefore the need to use antibiotics.

? No side effects.

*What distinguishes Prowins Superchol Plus from other liver protectors on the market

Without a doubt, its UNIQUE COMPOSITION and scientifically designed to protect the liver in cage birds.

Prowins Superchol Plus contains, among others:

- Methionine, Choline, Lysine, Sorbitol, Biotin, Inositol, L-Carnitine, Choline Chloride, L-Tryptophan, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium, Folic Acid, Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, Medicinal herbs, among which is found in Milk Thistle.

*When to use Prowins Superchol Plus

This product is designed for regular use throughout the year; Only then can you get the most out of this fabulous product and squeeze the most out of its properties.

During the SEASON OF CONTESTS and EXHIBITIONS, the regular use of Prowins Superchol Plus will solve 4 very important aspects:

(1) - Total protection for the liver and kidneys. During contests and exhibitions, the body of birds suffers strong stress and it is during this period when the liver works 100% to eliminate all the toxins generated by the body. Superchol helps the liver to transform all these toxins into substances harmless to the body.

? - Control and prevention of stress. During competitions and exhibitions, birds suffer from strong stress, which we must try to alleviate and avoid. Superchol will help, in a very efficient way, in this task.

(3) - Maintenance of physical fitness. Prowins Superchol Plus will help keep the birds in top shape, for long periods of time. In this way, the results in competitions and exhibitions will improve considerably.

? - Faster recovery after competitions and exhibitions. Undoubtedly, a full and fast recovery is essential to achieve the best results. Superchol Plus accelerates the recovery process, shortening times.

During the CRÍA, Prowins Superchol Plus affects two very important aspects:

(1) - Favors the growth of chicks, providing essential nutrients for their proper development and stimulating their appetite.

? - It has an anti-stress effect. The breeding period always causes high stress in the breeders that, if not controlled, can be quite harmful to them

During the MUDA, Prowins Superchol Plus has an important role:

(1) - Provides amino acids, such as methionine, which are essential to stimulate molting

? - Favors the formation of new plumage.

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