Alimento para aves europeas MANITOBA SPINUS SPINUS 2.5 KG
Selection of seeds of various natures and sizes to meet the varied nutritional needs of the most common small finches present in Europe

Selection of seeds of various natures and sizes to meet the varied nutritional needs of the most common small finches present in Europe.
These subjects are also known by the term Spinus; there is actually a single bird, taxonomically speaking by that name, Carduelis Spinus or Siskin from Eurasia.
Other widespread spinus, in addition to Carduelis Carduelis (European Goldfinch), are Carduelis Magellanica (Lucherino Testanera), Carduelis Notata (Lucherino Pettonero), Serinus Serinus (Verzellino, the genus Serinus is the same that belongs to the domestic canary). or Serinus Canaria).
Among the most fascinating species are the Carduelis Atrata or Negrito of Bolivia, a splendid black animal with well-defined yellow inserts.
The crossing between Bold and other "spinus" is fruitful and the technique of crossing offspring with pure lines is used to create new color "mutations".
The wide variety of seeds in the Manitoba Spinus & Spinus blend and the unique organoleptic characteristics allow each captive-bred species to reproduce the diet that best suits their natural needs.
White lettuce
Milk thistle
Red millet
blue poppy
Small grass
Beautiful at night