El nuevo libro de AYUDA! MI PERRA ESTÁ PREÑADA, ediciones TIKAL


What can we do when some puppies arrive... what maybe we didn't expect? Don't panic: This book offers competent and detailed answers to important questions: How long does pregnancy last? How should I treat the animal during this time? How will the birth go? What does the bitch do for herself and where should I intervene? How do puppies develop? The experienced author of this book will help you with some good advice


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What can we do when some puppies arrive... what maybe we didn't expect? Don't panic: This book offers competent and detailed answers to important questions: How long does pregnancy last? How should I treat the animal during this time? How will the birth go? What does the bitch do for herself and where should I intervene? How do puppies develop? The experienced author of this book will help you with some good advice.

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