Comedero para Canarios y Exóticos 2GR Economy Modelo 116 8x15,5x7 cm
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feeder for canaries and exotic birds, with anti-dercoche system, ideal for feeding your birds

The perfect combination

Economy 116 feeder is indicated to adequately supply bird food without unnecessary spills and losses.
With this product you will avoid wasting the seeds that fall on the ground when your birds eat.
Hole diameter: 24 mm. Dimensions: 8 cm wide x 15.5 cm high x 7 cm bottom.
It is a feeder made of resistant plastic and is ideal for parakeets, canaries and other birds of similar size.
Unlike conventional feeders, this feeder is designed to properly reserve seeds and prevent losses, plus it comes with easy-to-use cage fastening system.
Made of sturdy plastic.
Avoid seed waste.
It has an easy-to-use cage fastening system.
- Strong plastic feeder for parakeets, canaries and other birds of similar size.
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