alpiste para aves PREMIFOOD JARAD 5 kg

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Canary seed with high carbohydrate content and low fat content, to mix with other types of seeds and make more

appetizing the diet of our birds.

VAT included
The perfect combination
Canaryseed Canada Disfa 25 kg
alpiste para aves PREMIFOOD JARAD 5 kg
VAT included

The canaryseed is an annual grass, winter-spring growing. Originally from the Mediterranean region, it is grown for grain production in the temperate zones of the world.

It is a diploid species, predominantly autogamous, whose production practices, requirements and cultivation cycle, resemble those of other winter cereals such as wheat and barley.

It is considered a true cereal, whose grains have a unique composition and a structure similar to that of others of the same botanical family such as wheat, oats, barley and rice.

Canaryseed contains 7 times more potassium than a banana and more calcium than a cup of skim milk. Consuming one 1/2 cup of Canaryseed per day will provide you with 831mg of potassium, 236mg of calcium, 431mg of magnesium, and 112 mcg of folic acid.

Each 100 gr of Canaryseed contains:

  • Carbohydrates: 55.8 grs
  • Proteins: 13 grs
  • Fat: 5.2 grs
  • Minerals: Calcium, phosphorus

By supplying it together with other seeds, we achieve that the limentation of our birds is rich, complete and natural.

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