estimulador del sistema inmunologico IMMUNBOOSTER ROHNFRIED para aves, 500 gr
IMMUNBOOSTE3R is a stimulator of the immune system of birds, so it favors their good health.
For the first time, we use functional trace elements such as copper and zinc in the product, which are extremely suitable for pigeons and complete the recipe for this innovation with a mycotoxin binder (Aflatoxin B1).
It contains prebiotic components, alline, allicin precursor and bovine colostrum to help birds during periods of stress.

Administration and dosage:
- 15 g per kilo food (for about 30 pigeons) in the meal.
- Before periods of stress, such as exposures or start of training, 2 to 3 days per week.
- Before the race: 2 consecutive days
- Playback: 2 days per week
- Moult: 2 days per week
- Young flights: 3 days per week
- Before vaccinations: 5 consecutive days.
- Thin stools (Adenovirus/Adeno-coli, Salmonella, Ecoli...): daily until the restoration of feces.
Ideally, moisten the food with Hexenbier or Moorgold before adding Immunbooster.
- We recommend administering together with Entrobac in intestinal diseases or non-specific diarrhea.
- Due to its high content of trace elements, co-administration with compound feedingstuffs should be avoided.