Feed supplement for birds. Oropharma Gold-Digest is a bowel conditioner. This product prevents the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, ensures a better consistency of the faeces, stimulates the nests hygienic and prevents it from sticking to the feathers of the cloaca. In the digestive tract of the birds there are bacteria that are essential for a good digestion. The good bacteria predominate in a bird healthy. However, if it is to be one of the pathogenic bacteria, the bird will have stools watery, resulting in a loss of large amounts of fluid and electrolytes. The administration of antibiotics kills both the good bacteria as pathogenic. Oro-Digest serves as a probiotic or food for the good intestinal flora, and also wants to ensure that the pathogenic bacteria are no longer able to adhere to the intestinal wall, in such a way that you can recover the natural intestinal flora, and digestion can return to normal. |