Disponible Gallinero Gallinero de madera Praga 101x55x100cm Copele 30635 €343.06 Little wooden hut for chickens of two levels with two doors on the bottom for the access of the hens, and one in the top for access to the ponedero. www.complementosparaaves.com Add to basket
Disponible Gallinero Caseta de Madera para Gallinas LISBOA COPELE Copele 30634 €91.10 Wooden hen shed with top lid on the roof for easy access and cleaning. It has lifting legs to avoid direct contact with the ground and thus protect the hens from cold and moisture. Add to basket
Disponible Gallinero Caseta para gallinas MANCHESTER COPELE Copele 30797 €287.01 Shed for hens and other birds with ramp and side access to easily extract the eggs and allow the cleaning of the internal house. Add to basket
Disponible animales de granja Bebedero Automático para Gallinas y Pollitos COPELE 50cm Copele 03057900 €17.84 Automatic soil drinker that is ideal for different birds, both can serve us for chickens, for turkeys, for geese, for partridges,... Its operation is very simple and easy to understand, while being automatic will greatly reduce the care of animals. A very cheap automatic soil drinker that will help us manage water to our poultry. Add to basket
Disponible animales de granja Nido para gallinas CONFORT COPELE 37X47X45 Copele 30893 €95.80 nest made of 100% plastic from an apartment, designed for users who have no more than six hens and are looking for a clean and simple solution so that their hens can hatch the eggs naturally. Add to basket