Disponible birds Comida de Mantenimiento para Canarios PSITTACUS SERINUS Yellow 350gr PSITTACUS SE2704 €8.11 Complete and balanced feed for breeds of birds with yellow factor. Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Pajaros PSITTACUS Wet&Dry Microspheres 20/10 800gr PSITTACUS 2602201243 €16.14 Psittacus wet & dry microspheres 20/10 is a complete food for birds of the family of the psitácidas. This food can also serve as the animal having been hydrated with water, 30 minutes before, especially for the embuche of the chicks. Add to basket
Disponible Agapornis Comida de Inicio para Loros y Psittacidas PSITTACUS Omega 3kg PSITTACUS PI1430 €54.49 Transitional food from the bird stops taking porridge until it can assimilate adult feed Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Loros PSITTACUS Alta Proteina 3kg PSITTACUS PI1220 €45.21 Psittacus High Protein is a I think indicated for Rider, Cacatua, Pionites and Pionus Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Agarpornis PSITTACUS Minor 450gr PSITTACUS p410 €11.30 Psittacus, I think, minor Psittacus, I think minor is a food specially formulated for birds as small as lovebirds, kakarikis, forpus, parakeets, etc... Its formula is designed to feed these birds throughout the year, Add to basket
Disponible Pienso para periquitos Comida para Periquitos PSITTACUS Micro 5 kg PSITTACUS PI-3050 €50.36 A feed is complete for birds of small size of the family of the psitácidas (nymphs, lovebirds, parrots, budgerigars, etc.). Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida de Mantenimiento para Frugivoros Pequeños PSITTACUS Wild Diets 3kg PSITTACUS WD9120 €53.38 Low iron maintenance feed for small frugivorous birds. Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida de Cria para Frugivoros Medianos PSITTACUS Wild Diets 3kg PSITTACUS WD9420 €53.89 Low-iron breeding feed for medium-sized frugivorous birds, such as toucans, turacos, mynas, aracaris and fruit pigeons. Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Periquitos PSITTACUS Micro 350gr PSITTACUS PI3035 €9.24 Designed for species that in the wild consume mainly seeds of grasses pratenses (genera Melopsittacus, Nymphicus, Psephotus, Neophema). It is a maintenance feed suitable for stages of reproductive inactivity. Add to basket
Disponible Feed for birds Comida de Cria para Loros PSITTACUS Parrot Maintenance 15kg PSITTACUS PI1865 €157.85 Add to basket