Out-of-Stock Pasta of breeding birds Pasta de Cría Seca CHEMIVIT INDIGENA BIOTIC SOFT Enriquecida con Tribiotic 3 kg Chemivit pmoa060 €21.45 INDIGENABIOTIC DRY - PASTE OF BREEDING DRY WITH TRIBIOTIC FEATURES. Specially developed for the breeding of birds native, finches (goldfinches, and others), Spinus, hybrid and exotic, it contains TRIBIOTIC, the exclusive product of CHEMI-VIT with PREBIOTICS, PROBIOTICS and POSBIÓTICOS especially useful for regulating the balance of the MICROBIOTA... View
Out-of-Stock Pigmentation for birds Potenciador de blanco para Aves CHEMIVIT Super White 250 gr Chemivit PMOS054 €14.32 SUPER WHITE COLOR contains substances that inhibit the production of melanins and intensify the white colour of the feathers View
Disponible birds Suplemento para Aves CHEMIVIT Micro E Maior Vitamina E 250 gr Chemivit 050220243 €19.00 Add to basket