Disponible Feeders comedero tipo tolva MANGIATOIA DISPENCER WEEKEND STA con capacidad de 500 gr. STA SOLUZIONI M051 €10.20 MANGIATOIA DISPENCER WEEK-END - mm 100x130xh160 / capacità: 500g Trough interior and/or with dispenser built-in Add to basket
Disponible Feeders Comedero LUNA - Ø 125x70 (h) mm, STA STA SOLUZIONI M033 €12.37 Trough interior with a support system walrus adaptable to all types of cage Add to basket
Disponible Feeders COMEDERO MANGIATOIA DISPENCER COMODORE - 100x70x140 (h) mm STA SOLUZIONI M050 BG €9.11 Trough interior and/or exterior dispenser built-in Add to basket
Disponible Feeders COMEDERO MANGIATOIA TOP3 - mm 65x60xh95 / capacità: 100gr STA SOLUZIONI M052 €3.78 Bird feeder with 3 feeders. You do not need doors or holes to secure it in the cage. Add to basket
Disponible Feeders Comedero STA MINI-SMART 100x50x45 STA SOLUZIONI M046 €3.61 MANGIATOIA MINI-SMART - mm 100x50xh45 Trough small interior with hooks and a rejila plastic that prevents the waste of simillas Add to basket