Disponible Necklaces Eliminaolores Neutralizador Zotal Hogar de 75 ml ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 75500107 €8.93 Deodorizer-high-capacity, effective against a wide range of odors. Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Insecticida para insectos voladores y rastreros ARPÓN DIAZIPOL 250 ml ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 71700120 €20.31 Powerful insecticide Zotal, to combat flying insects like crawling. Indicated for the desisectación of livestock farms, perrreras, clinics veterianrias etc Add to basket
Disponible What's new Pack de 2 Insecticida LETAL TRX ZOTAL en cebo contra hormigas, total 20 gr ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 18082023 €12.26 Insecticide gel in syringe against ants of Zotal Lethal in bait of 10 grams. Now in this fantastic pack of 2 units. Ready for use and application with the syringe in areas occupied by ants. Kill all ants and their anthill, avoiding pests. Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Pipetas Repelentes PARASITAL PEQUEÑAS para Gatos y Perros 3uds ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 72520108 €15.31 Repellent of fleas, mosquitoes and ticks for dogs and cats less than 15 pounds of weight. Active in front of the flebotomo, mosquito, transmitter of leishmaniasis. Add to basket
Disponible What's new Pack de 2 Insecticida LETAL TRX ZOTAL en cebo contra cucarachas, total 20 gr ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 180820231 €17.32 Insecticide against cockroaches in lethal gel Zotal. NOW IN THIS FABULOUS PACK SAVE 2 UNITS In bait of 10 grams with syringe applicator. Effective with all types of cockroaches (blonde, black, coffee bands, American, etc). Ready to use and apply thanks to the syringe Add to basket
Disponible Packs Pack de 4 Insecticida LETAL TRX ZOTAL en cebo contra hormigas, total 40 gr ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 11092023 €19.35 Powerful insecticide in the form of bait, to kill ant pests at home. Practical syringe-shaped dispenser for efficient and simple application SAVE BY BUYING THIS FABULOUS PACK OF 4 UNITS Add to basket
Disponible What's new Pack de 3 Insecticida LETAL TRX ZOTAL en cebo contra cucarachas, total 30 gr ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 051020234 €23.56 Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces PACK 2 uds collar PARASITAL, perros grandes, a partir de 25 kg ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 261020231 €16.31 Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Arena para gatos Zotalin 5 kg ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 03041801 €8.34 Bed for cats Zotalin 5 kg, of natural mineral origin and powder-free. Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Loción repelente para mascotas y équidos PARASITAL 400 ml ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 72500128 €28.77 Parasital lotion 500 ml. PARASITAL® Lotion insect Repellent is a product intended for dogs, horses, ruminants, swine and poultry that contains an ingredient binder that adheres the product to the hair of the animal protecting it during 15 days of all kinds of insects. www.complementosparaaves.com Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Loción repelente para mascotas y équidos PARASITAL 250 ML ZOTAL LABORATORIOS P109422 €22.43 Parasital lotion 500 ml. PARASITAL® Lotion insect Repellent is a product intended for dogs, horses, ruminants, swine and poultry that contains an ingredient binder that adheres the product to the hair of the animal protecting it during 15 days of all kinds of insects. www.complementosparaaves.com Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces CHAMPÚ REPELENTE PARASITAL 400 ML ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 72550125 €21.08 The PARASITAL® antiparasitic repellent shampoo for dogs and cats repels the main external parasites, such as ticks, fleas, sandflies (mosquito transmitter of canine leishmaniasis), mosquitoes and others. Its effectiveness has been tested in the laboratory. It has a persistence of about 15 days. Add to basket