Disponible Versele-laga Comida de Mantenimiento para Canarios y Pequeñas Psitacidas VERSELE LAGA Nutribird C15 3kg Versele-laga 422106 €21.27 NutriBird C 15 is a complete and balanced maintenance feed for canaries, exotic and native birds. Add to basket
Disponible Feed Comida de Mantenimiento para Pajaros Frugivoros VERSELE LAGA Nutribird F16 1kg Versele-laga 422111 €10.48 Versele Laga NutriBird F16, complete and balanced maintenance feed for frugivorous and insectivorous birds Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds Pienso LOR UNIFEED Fringilidos PREPARACIÓN CRIA 5 KG UNIFEED L.O.R 111220211219 €38.57 Compound feed for Carduelis Carduelis, Carduelis major, Carduelis Caniceps View
Out-of-Stock Feed for birds Pienso LOR UNIFEED Fringilidos Cría 5 kg UNIFEED L.O.R 111220211232 €34.83 Compound feed for Carduelis Carduelis, Carduelis major, Carduelis Caniceps View
Out-of-Stock birds Pienso LOR UNIFEED jilgueros PREPARACIÓN CRIA 5 kg UNIFEED L.O.R 010420201237OLD €34.83 Feed UNIFEED L.O.R is a feed in the form of breeding paste for feeding wild birds such as Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Lugano and other balanced cage birds that is presented in the form of a single dish. View
Last items in stock birds Comida para Aves Pequeñas HARRISON Picadillo Alta Energia 454 gr Harrison 25062021 €23.82 Harrison High Potency Mash is indicated for birds such as canaries, goldfinches, parakeets, verderones, verderones, camachuelo, pardillos, cardenalitos, etc.. Harrison diets prevent liver diseases, must occur in less quantity than others and their consumption allows to maintain the health of the intestine and liver in all types of granivorous birds. Add to basket
Disponible Versele-laga Comida de cria para Pajaros Exoticos y Canarios VERSELE LAGA Nutribird C19 10kg Versele-laga 422110 €61.23 Nutribird C 19 is a complete and balanced breeding feed for canaries, exotic and native birds. Add to basket
Disponible Feed Comida para Pajaros Frugivoros VERSELE LAGA Nutribird F16 10kg Versele-laga 422112 €66.65 Versele Laga NutriBird F16, complete and balanced maintenance feed for frugivorous and insectivorous birds Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Pequeñas Psittacidas HAGEN TROPICAN Mantenimiento 2 mm - 820 gr HAGEN TROPICAN MASCOTAS 80520 €12.64 Complete and balanced food for nymphs, without artificial colors and enriched with vitamins Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds Comida para Pequeñas Psittacidas HAGEN TROPICAN Mantenimiento 2mm - 1,8 kg HAGEN TROPICAN MASCOTAS 80521 €22.66 Complete food and balanced for nymphs, without artificial colouring, and enriched with vitamins View
Disponible birds Comida para Pajaros PSITTACUS Wet&Dry Microspheres 20/10 800gr PSITTACUS 2602201243 €16.14 Psittacus wet & dry microspheres 20/10 is a complete food for birds of the family of the psitácidas. This food can also serve as the animal having been hydrated with water, 30 minutes before, especially for the embuche of the chicks. Add to basket
Disponible birds pienso LOR UNIFEED VITA LIGHT para canarios bolsa 5 kg UNIFEED L.O.R 261120201139 €45.63 I think UNIFEED L.O.R VITA LIGHT Is a product studied for the adaptation of birds to Unifeed LOR feed. The innovative production process makes it hydrated by looking Rusk-like. Hold up to 48 hours in the feeder without perishing. 15.50% protein. Add to basket
Last items in stock Agapornis Comida de Inicio para Loros y Psittacidas PSITTACUS Omega 3kg PSITTACUS PI1430 €54.49 Transitional food from the bird stops taking porridge until it can assimilate adult feed Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Loros PSITTACUS Alta Proteina 3kg PSITTACUS PI1220 €45.21 Psittacus High Protein is a I think indicated for Rider, Cacatua, Pionites and Pionus Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Agarpornis PSITTACUS Minor 450gr PSITTACUS p410 €11.30 Psittacus, I think, minor Psittacus, I think minor is a food specially formulated for birds as small as lovebirds, kakarikis, forpus, parakeets, etc... Its formula is designed to feed these birds throughout the year, Add to basket
Disponible Versele-laga Comida de Mantenimiento para Canarios y Pequeñas Aves VERSELE LAGA Nutribird C15 1kg Versele-laga 422105 €10.24 NutriBird C 15 is a complete and balanced maintenance feed for canaries, exotic and native birds. Add to basket
Disponible Pienso para periquitos Comida para Periquitos PSITTACUS Micro 5 kg PSITTACUS PI-3050 €50.36 A feed is complete for birds of small size of the family of the psitácidas (nymphs, lovebirds, parrots, budgerigars, etc.). Add to basket
Disponible Versele-laga Comida para Pajaros Exoticos VERSELE LAGA Nutribird C19 Original sin dore 3kg Versele-laga 422108 €19.36 Extruded pellets - Maintenance feed for canaries, exotic finches and Europeans Scientifically approved composition with all the nutrients your birds need. Completely consumable, avoids selective feeding behavior. Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida de Mantenimiento para Frugivoros Pequeños PSITTACUS Wild Diets 3kg PSITTACUS WD9120 €53.38 Low iron maintenance feed for small frugivorous birds. Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida de Cria para Frugivoros Medianos PSITTACUS Wild Diets 3kg PSITTACUS WD9420 €53.89 Low-iron breeding feed for medium-sized frugivorous birds, such as toucans, turacos, mynas, aracaris and fruit pigeons. Add to basket
Disponible birds SERINUS mantenimiento wild birds 1 Kg Serinus SE2200 €19.22 Complete maintenance feed for wild birds of the finches family (goldfinches, greenfinches, finches ...). Add to basket
Disponible birds SERINUS mantenimiento wild birds 350 gr Serinus SE2204 €9.00 Complete maintenance feed for wild birds of the finches family (goldfinches, greenfinches, finches ...). Add to basket
Disponible birds SERINUS mantenimiento wild birds 5 Kg Serinus SE2210 €52.26 Complete maintenance feed for wild birds of the finches family (goldfinches, greenfinches, finches ...). Add to basket
Last items in stock Feed for birds Alimento para canarios blancos SERINUS FÓRMULA BLANCA 5 KG Serinus SE2610 €52.26 Complete maintenance feed for canaries of breeds that should not manifest reddish, orange or yellowish colors in their plumage Add to basket
Disponible birds SERINUS Cría Wild Birds 5 KG Serinus SE2110 €48.66 It is indicated for wild birds of the finches family (goldfinches, greenfinches, greenfinches, pardillos, finches ...).The breeding formula is indicated to form the basis of the diet during the breeding season, from one month before its start until the molt is complete.It will be supplied to facilitate molting and to wax singing males. Add to basket
Disponible Feed for birds alimento para canarios SERINUS FÓRMULA CRÍA 5 KG Serinus SE2310 €48.66 Complete breeding feed for canaries. Indicated for the reproductive stage, to facilitate molting and to wax singing males. Add to basket
Disponible Feed for birds Alimento para canarios SERINUS FÓRMULA MANTENIMIENTO 350 gr Serinus SE2404 €8.72 Serinus is indicated for wild birds of the finches family (canaries).The maintenance formula is indicated to be supplied during the period of reproductive rest.For ornamental and singing animals we will also usually use the maintenance formula. Add to basket
Disponible Piensos para canarios Alimento de CRIA para canarios blancos SERINUS FÓRMULA BLANCA 1 kg Serinus SE2500 €14.95 Complete breeding food for canaries of breeds that should not have reddish, orange or yellowish colors in their plumage (including recessive white). It does not contain carotenoids or xanthophylls. With high levels of vitamin A. Indicated for the reproductive stage, to facilitate molting and promote mating in singing males. Add to basket
Disponible Piensos para canarios Alimento de CRIA para canarios blancos SERINUS FÓRMULA BLANCA 5 kg Serinus SE2510 €48.66 Complete breeding food for canaries of breeds that should not have reddish, orange or yellowish colors in their plumage (including recessive white). It does not contain carotenoids or xanthophylls. With high levels of vitamin A. Indicated for the reproductive stage, to facilitate molting and promote mating in singing males Add to basket
Disponible birds SERINUS muda wild birds 1 Kg Serinus SE3700 €14.95 Complete feed for wild birds of the finches family (goldfinches, greenfinches, finches ...). Indicated to be supplied during the molting period. Add to basket
Disponible birds SERINUS MUDA wild birds 5 Kg Serinus SE710 €48.66 Complete feed for wild birds of the finches family (goldfinches, greenfinches, finches ...). Indicated to be supplied during the molting period. Add to basket
Disponible Piensos para canarios Alimento para canarios blancos SERINUS MUDA 1 kg Serinus SE3900 €14.37 Complete food for canaries of breeds that should not manifest reddish, orange or yellowish colors in their plumage (including recessive white). It does not contain carotenoids. With high levels of vitamin A. Indicated for the molting stage. Add to basket
Disponible Piensos para canarios Alimento para canarios SERINUS MUDA 5 kg Serinus SE3910 €48.66 Complete food for canaries of breeds that should not manifest reddish, orange or yellowish colors in their plumage (including recessive white). It does not contain carotenoids. With high levels of vitamin A. Indicated for the molting stage. Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Alimento para canarios SERINUS MUDA 1 kg Serinus SE3800 €15.48 Complete feed for canaries. Especially indicated for the molting period. Add to basket
Disponible birds Pienso para silvestres ORNIZIN MS1M 4 kg Super premium muda ORNIZIN MS1M €45.29 MS1M Wild Bird Ornizin Feed is a food uniquely formulated to address the unique nutritional needs of wild birds, specifically carduelis, spinus and their hybrids. Designed to provide a high quality diet, this feed is especially focused on supporting the critical period of molting in these birds. Add to basket