Juguete para perro en resina natural FLOSSER WITH ROPE Retorn - 1

Juguete para perro en resina natural FLOSSER WITH ROPE RETORN


Rub is a toy for Dogs made with Natural Resin Organic. It will make your dog enjoy hours of play and entertainment.



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Rub is a toy for Dogs made with Natural Resin Organic.

It will make your dog enjoy hours of play and entertainment.

Toy for Dogs.

The domestic environment makes it difficult for your dog to stimulate your natural instinct, causing unwanted behaviors.

We can enrich your day-to-day with the toy dog Rub.
Manufactured with organic resin natural, coming directly from the tree, without any type of dye and without the risk of poisoning due to wear.
The different forms of Rub chase your pet is kept entertained at all times.
Puedez launch the Rub for your dog and you return it
You will enjoy chewing on the rope and the product
The texture of the organic resin natural you will find it very stimulating
The quality of the resin makes it float in the water

It is very important to choose the size proportional to the extent of the dog's mouth. The size is a determinant of a satisfactory experience.

Important: do Not use a Rub deteriorated or broken to avoid the intake. Not suitable for children.



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