Witte Molen Puur Canaries 750gr

alimento completo para canarios PUUR 2 kg


The Puur de Witte Molen Mixture for Canaries has been made using quality ingredients, specifically suitable for the diet of the different species of Canaries.


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The Puur de Witte Molen Mixture for Canaries has been made using quality ingredients, specifically suitable for the diet of the different species of Canaries.


Natural ingredients they love: chia, banana, flax seeds, millet and egg.


He will take care of our canary inside and out:


- Its content in proteins and flax seeds will make your plumage healthy, shiny and in perfect condition. Ideal to help in moments such as molting.

- With prebiotics that facilitate digestion.

- With crushed oyster shell. It will provide calcium while taking care of and facilitating digestion.


A mixture that will provide the different nutrients, vitamins and trace elements essential for a healthy diet and a life full of vitality.


No preservatives, dyes or added flavourings. A natural food and that without a doubt. They will love it!


Available in a pack of 750 grams.


Composition: seeds (2 % millet, 2 % flax seeds, 2 % chia seeds), grains, vegetable by-products, minerals, fruit (1 % banana), oils and fats, vegetables, egg and egg products (0.2%) Additives: Vitamin A, D3, C, E1, E8, antioxidants.


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