Pienso para perro OPTI LIFE VERSELE LAGA pollo 12.5 kg no grain

Grain-free dog food with chicken - all breeds

With Opti Life Prime Adult Chicken you give your dog a complete and delicious premium meal, packed with energetic nutrients.

Our formula, grain-free, rich in protein, fat and low in carbohydrates, with the ideal blend of the highest quality, tasty and natural ingredients, for a day full of adventures.


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We use a grain-free formula, with dietary fibers and prebiotics (FOS), for optimal digestion.


With a taurine supplement to support the heart.


Our recipe is full of natural antioxidants (rosemary, green tea,

etc.) and additional vitamin E that give your dog a real boost and ensure optimal endurance.

  • 60% ingredients of animal origin: with pure and delicious chicken, so that the dog shows itself and feels in the best conditions
  • 40% nutritious vegetables, potent superfoods and botanical ingredients, boosting your dog's physical and mental well-being
  • 0% cereals: this makes the food especially easy to digest and also suitable for dogs with cereal intolerance



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