Disponible Collares antiparasitarios para perros Collar SERESTO para perros grandes, pack clinico de 12 unidades de 70 cm Elanco 01400654 €551.95 The long-lasting Seresto antiparasitic collar acts by preventing external parasitosis for eight months. Its function is to prevent the spread of fleas, ticks and lice, in addition to protecting the home from these annoying parasites. It is a collar designed by experts and veterinarians, subjected to rigorous quality controls that guarantee its safety,... Add to basket
Disponible INSECTICIDES Insecticida LETAL TRX ZOTAL en cebo contra hormigas, jeringa 10 gr ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 100320211830 €10.43 Powerful bait-shaped insecticide to kill ant pests at home. Practical syringe-shaped dispenser for effective and simple application Add to basket
Disponible Wild Birds jaula de reclamo C2 verde camuflaje, con cajón y rejilla PIUMER 9054133 €16.96 C-2 claim cage for all kinds of wild birds, camouflage green Add to basket
Disponible Pipetas antiparasitarias para perros Pipetas antiparasitarias ADVANTIX para perros de 1-4 kg, 24 uds envase clinico Elanco 01400685 €165.12 ADVANTIX® SPOT-ON SOLUTION for Dogs External antiparasitic in spot-on solution Pharmaceutical form Solution for point dorsal anointing (Sol.u.d.p.) Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds Funda para Jaulas de reclamo de Silvestrismo en tela Camuflaje/Militar, con REJILLA... PIUMER 2912221 €9.83 Cover for Silvestrism Contest Cages in Camouflage/Military fabric, with grid on the front for optimal ventilation. Measures for cages C1 or C2 (1 stick or 2 sticks) View
Disponible Pipetas antiparasitarias para perros Pipetas antiparasitarias ADVANTIX para perros de 1-4 kg, 4 uds Elanco 014006600 €36.21 ADVANTIX® SPOT-ON SOLUTION for Dogs External antiparasitic in spot-on solution Pharmaceutical form Solution for point dorsal anointing (Sol.u.d.p.) Add to basket
Disponible birds Funda para Jaulas de reclamo de Silvestrismo BLANCA, con rejilla y tapa PIUMER 29122210 €8.78 Cover for Silvestrism Contest Cages in white fabric, with grid on the front for optimal ventilation. Measures for cages C1 or C2 (1 stick or 2 sticks) Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Food for Birds Mixtura para jilgueros carduelidi MANITOBA cubo 5 kg Manitoba 26010/5 €34.35 View
Disponible Pipetas antiparasitarias para perros Pipetas antiparasitarias ADVANTIX para perros de 10 a 25 kg, 4 uds Elanco 01400662 €43.55 ADVANTIX® SPOT-ON SOLUTION for Dogs External antiparasitic in spot-on solution Pharmaceutical form Solution for point dorsal anointing (Sol.u.d.p.) Add to basket
Out-of-Stock INSECTICIDES Trampa para moscas 1 lt + sobre atrayente 20 gr LETAL ZOTAL ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 270623 €13.22 Attractant for flies for use in traps, with refills. Having prepared the trap, the characteristic smell attracts flies drowning in it. It is effective up to 7 weeks, allowing to effectively eliminate flies in all kinds of situations. View
Last items in stock Mixtures for birds Mixtura Alta Germinacion MANITOBA 2.5 kg Manitoba 26070/2 €15.72 Add to basket
Disponible Pipetas antiparasitarias para perros Pipetas antiparasitarias ADVANTIX para perros de 10 a 25 kg, 24 uds envase clinico Elanco 01400692 €205.56 ADVANTIX® SPOT-ON SOLUTION for Dogs/o:p> External antiparasitic in spot-on solution Solution for point dorsal anointing (Sol.u.d.p.) Add to basket
Disponible INSECTICIDES Spray repelente de insectos de uso humano PARASITAL PRO 100 ml ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 72900110 €11.50 Body spray with repellent effect against mosquitoes and other insects, effective against the tiger mosquito, which provides a very pleasant fragrance and helps prevent mosquito bites. Made from geranium and lavender essential oil, which contain naturally repellent substances, and provide protection for up to 4 hours. Add to basket
Disponible Pipetas antiparasitarias para perros Pipetas antiparasitarias ADVANTIX para perros de 25 a 40 kg 4 uds Elanco 01400663 €47.32 ADVANTIX® SPOT-ON SOLUTION for Dogs External antiparasitic in spot-on solution Pharmaceutical form Solution for point dorsal anointing (Sol.u.d.p.) Add to basket
Disponible Feeders Comedero Exterior para Pajaros Modelo Garden COPELE Copele 09059900 €13.96 Bird feeder Model Garden, capacity 2 kilos. Manufactured with plastic. Measures: 30 x 30 x 24 cms. Add to basket
Disponible What's new Pack de 2 Insecticida LETAL TRX ZOTAL en cebo contra hormigas, total 20 gr ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 18082023 €12.26 Insecticide gel in syringe against ants of Zotal Lethal in bait of 10 grams. Now in this fantastic pack of 2 units. Ready for use and application with the syringe in areas occupied by ants. Kill all ants and their anthill, avoiding pests. Add to basket
Disponible Pipetas antiparasitarias para perros Pipetas antiparasitarias ADVANTIX para perros de 25 a 40 kg. 24 uds envase clinico Elanco 01400693 €226.29 ADVANTIX® SPOT-ON SOLUTION for Dogs External antiparasitic in spot-on solution Pharmaceutical form Solution for point dorsal anointing (Sol.u.d.p.) Add to basket
Disponible Feeders Comedero para Pequeñas Aves 2GR Economy Diamant 2gr 169 €10.16 This magnificent feeder, will help you not to mix "husk" of seeds, by its pouring system Adaptable to all types of cages, it can be washed and disinfected easily Dim.:kg 0,250 - cm 10 x 9 x 15,5h Add to basket
Disponible What's new Pack de 2 Insecticida LETAL TRX ZOTAL en cebo contra cucarachas, total 20 gr ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 180820231 €17.32 Insecticide against cockroaches in lethal gel Zotal. NOW IN THIS FABULOUS PACK SAVE 2 UNITS In bait of 10 grams with syringe applicator. Effective with all types of cockroaches (blonde, black, coffee bands, American, etc). Ready to use and apply thanks to the syringe Add to basket
Disponible Pipetas antiparasitarias para perros Pipetas antiparasitarias ADVANTIX para perros de 4-10 kg, 24 uds envase clinico Elanco 01400686 €176.44 ADVANTIX® SPOT-ON SOLUTION for Dogs External antiparasitic in spot-on solution Pharmaceutical form Solution for point dorsal anointing (Sol.u.d.p.) Add to basket
-5% Disponible Necklaces Bebedero de Cazoleta para Aves COPAVI COPELE M73 Copele 035020 €6.45 €6.79 Time left Drinker of easy placement in all types of cage, clean. comfortable and practical. Add to basket
Disponible Packs Pack de 4 Insecticida LETAL TRX ZOTAL en cebo contra hormigas, total 40 gr ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 11092023 €19.35 Powerful insecticide in the form of bait, to kill ant pests at home. Practical syringe-shaped dispenser for efficient and simple application SAVE BY BUYING THIS FABULOUS PACK OF 4 UNITS Add to basket
Disponible Antiparasitarios masticables Antiparasitario masticable para perros ADTAB de 1.3 kg a 2.5 kg 1 unidad Elanco 11100015 €13.17 ADTAB CHEWABLE TABLETS FOR DOGS Forget about annoying fleas and ticks for a month!! Add to basket