Disponible Vitamins for birds Vitamina A para aves SERI A LATAC 20 ml Latac 30004 €10.82 The lack of vitamin A causes a reduction in the defensive capacity of the cells, which are the ones that cover all the outer and also internal surfaces of the body, resulting in the appearance of infection centers, especially in the eyes, respiratory system and digestive system, such as mouth and esophagus. Add to basket
Disponible Pipetas antiparasitarias para perros Pipetas antiparasitarias ADVANTIX para perros de 25 a 40 kg. 24 uds envase clinico Elanco 01400693 €226.29 ADVANTIX® SPOT-ON SOLUTION for Dogs External antiparasitic in spot-on solution Pharmaceutical form Solution for point dorsal anointing (Sol.u.d.p.) Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds complejo vitamínico SERI B LATAC 15 ml para aves Latac 30005 €8.69 B vitamin complex. 15ML Add to basket
Disponible Pipetas antiparasitarias para perros Pipetas antiparasitarias ADVANTIX para perros de 4-10 kg, 24 uds envase clinico Elanco 01400686 €176.44 ADVANTIX® SPOT-ON SOLUTION for Dogs External antiparasitic in spot-on solution Pharmaceutical form Solution for point dorsal anointing (Sol.u.d.p.) Add to basket
Last items in stock Vitamins for birds Vitamina E para aves SERIFEROL LATAC 20 ml Latac 30008 €9.43 Vitamin E in liquid to mix in water with the drink. Prevents sterility of males and insufficient laying in females. It ensures more layings and greater vigor in the offspring. Add to basket
Disponible Antiparasitarios masticables Antiparasitario masticable para perros ADTAB de 1.3 kg a 2.5 kg 1 unidad Elanco 11100015 €13.17 ADTAB CHEWABLE TABLETS FOR DOGS Forget about annoying fleas and ticks for a month!! Add to basket
Disponible Feeders BIZCOCHERA INTERIOR CON APOYO Pedrós 0304201813 €5.61 Trough bizcochero to the inside of the cage with support so that your birds come there to eat. Add to basket
Disponible Antiparasitarios masticables Antiparasitario masticable para perros ADTAB de 2.5 kg a 5.5 kg, 1 ud Elanco 11100016 €14.26 ADTAB CHEWABLE TABLETS FOR DOGS Forget about annoying ticks and fleas, with this magnificent product! Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Liver Protector for pigeons Rohnfried SEDOCHOL 500 ml ,desintoxica el hígado, los riñones y la sangre en aves Rohnfried 11347 €17.93 Preparation specially designed to promote the function of the liver and kidneys as well as to detoxify the blood. View
Disponible Antiparasitarios masticables Antiparasitario masticable para perros ADTAB de 5.5 kg a 11 kg, 1 ud Elanco 11100017 €15.04 ADTAB CHEWABLE TABLETS FOR DOGS Forget about annoying fleas and ticks for a whole month! Add to basket
Disponible Brewers yeast for pigeons Levadura Enriquecida para aves VERSELE LAGA Pure Oropharma con Vitamina B 500gr Versele-laga 460099 €12.97 Versele-Laga Oropharma B-Pure brewer's yeast dehydrated and enriched with vitamins Add to basket
Disponible Antiparasitarios masticables Antiparasitario masticable para perros ADTAB de 11 a 22 kg, 1 ud Elanco 11100018 €18.30 Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds Estimulante Vitaminado para Aves VERSELE LAGA Fertivit 200gr Versele-laga 460206 €16.48 Fertivit is a set of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and vitmain E, which will help and stimulate your birds for a perfect breeding season. Add to basket
Disponible Antiparasitarios Antiparasitario masticable para perros ADTAB de 22kg a 45 kg, 1 ud Elanco 11100019 €17.28 ADTAB CHEWABLE TABLETS FOR DOGS Forget about annoying fleas and ticks in a month!! Add to basket
Disponible birds Calcio para Aves VERSELE LAGA Calcilux 500gr Versele-laga 460215 €23.12 Water-soluble calcium for birds of excellent quality Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Antiparasitic and repellent collar antiparasitario FRONTAL DELTA 60 cm - perros pequeños y medianos hasta 25kg ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 73050106 €34.65 The DELTA FRONT Necklace has repellent (anti-feeding) effect against phlebotomes (Phlebotomus perniciosus) and culycid mosquitoes (Culex pipiens) for 5 and 6 months It can be considered as part of a program for the prevention of leishmaniosis and culycid mosquitoes of the Culex pipiens complex. Also indicated for the prevention of tick infestations View
Last items in stock Fortifiers and vitamin Aceite de Higado de Bacalao VERSELE LAGA Fit Oil Oropharma 300 perlas Versele-laga 460082 €24.11 Versele-Laga Fit-Oil 300 pearls (pearls liver oil cod) Add to basket
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin Recuperador para Palomas VERSELE LAGA Recovery 350 cápsulas Versele-laga 460123 €42.08 Versele-Laga Recovery 350 caps, (high quality recovery capsules) Add to basket
Disponible INSECTICIDES Spray repelente de insectos de uso humano PARASITAL PRO 100 ml ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 72900110 €11.50 Body spray with repellent effect against mosquitoes and other insects, effective against the tiger mosquito, which provides a very pleasant fragrance and helps prevent mosquito bites. Made from geranium and lavender essential oil, which contain naturally repellent substances, and provide protection for up to 4 hours. Add to basket
Disponible Mash for birds Papilla de cria manual para aves BIPAL P 20 700 gr. TEGAN BIPAL 1312 €11.78 Bipal P-20 (paste-rearing manual of chicks). 800gr Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Pipetas antiparasitarias FRONTLINE TRI ACT para perros de 5 a 10 kg 3 uds MERIAL (FRONTLINE) 21400416 €30.87 Frontline Tri-Act is the dewormer for dogs of last generation laboratories Merial, the world's leading company in animal health. Product highly innovative, gives a new total protection of broad spectrum against parasites external (fleas, ticks and flying insects) with their formula insect repellent reinforced front phlebotomines and mosquitoes. Add to basket
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin suplemento BIPAL TOTAL SOBRE para aves, vitaminas, minerales y aminoácidos bolsa 500 gr. TEGAN BIPAL 1101 €9.01 Total Bipal, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, for all types of birds Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Pipetas antiparasitarias FRONTLINE TRI ACT para perros de 10 a 20 kg 3 uds MERIAL (FRONTLINE) 21400417 €38.09 Frontline Tri-Act is the dewormer for dogs of last generation laboratories Merial, the world's leading company in animal health. Product highly innovative, gives a new total protection of broad spectrum against parasites external (fleas, ticks and flying insects) with their formula insect repellent reinforced front phlebotomines and mosquitoes. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Fortifiers and vitamin BIPAL FORTE Especial Palomas 4 kg, Probióticos, vitaminas, minerales y aminoácidos TEGAN BIPAL 1328 €29.67 Bipal Special Forte Palomos Deportivos 4 kg, (Probiotics, vitamins, minerals and amino acids). For Palomos View